What to Expect
Even if you grew up in a church, finding a church home can be challenging. It is even more difficult if you are just beginning to discover what it means to be a Christian.
Trinity Lutheran Church may be a place you can come to call your church home. We are a community of believers committed in mission with Jesus. We have a passion to serve others and a genuine love for the folks in our faith community.
Here are some frequent questions:
What should I wear?
This is an easy answer. We are an informal church and accept people as they are. Please wear what you feel is comfortable. God will be happy to see you, no matter what you are wearing.
What can I expect at a worship service?
For anyone going to a new church there can be some anxiety. Our church honors the authority of scripture, so you will hear a lesson from the Old Testament and New Testament, and a special reading of the Gospel. Typically, we sing hymns from the Lutheran Book of Worship. We have Holy Communion every Sunday. Our service is generally one hour.
Will I have to introduce myself?
When you arrive, you will be welcomed by greeters and you are free to introduce yourself or not. You will NOT be asked to introduce yourself in the service. Please do use the yellow card in the pew to share your name and contact information as desired.
How will I know when to stand or sit?
You will see a note in the bulletin. The pastor will also invite you to sit or stand as you are able at appropriate times.
Do I have to be Lutheran to take Holy Communion?
All are welcome to celebrate Jesus' presence in Holy Communion! For Lutherans, Holy Communion is a sacrament-an “act of God” in which He offers His forgiveness, life, and salvation-won at the cross. As a “means of grace” it does not depend on us, or our own worthiness, but on Christ’s words: “This is my Body…this is my blood-given and shed for you.” Faith believes His words and receives His gifts. If you choose not to take Holy Communion, you may come forward for a blessing.
We would love to have you join us for fellowship events!